
Showing posts from March, 2006

HOUSE series on Fox receives an “F” in bedside manner

    by Tryla Brown     Most times, the sensationalism of using AIS or a similar condition as a plot device on TV does not bother me.  I have a sense of humor and can take a joke just as well as the next person and I have no problem laughing at myself. Yes, I know that Dr. House was just being his obnoxious self.  I simply don’t buy it.  His demeanor with his 15 year old patient with CAIS was tacky, cruel, cold and ugly.  Rather than feeling embarrassed or ashamed, it just plain and simple made me angry.    Tryla Brown        

Do You Sometimes Feel Ashamed?

  Ways to let go of unhealthy feelings About your AIS status     Editor's note: ... This article was adapted from several other non-profit sources. As women with AIS and similar conditions, there have probably been times when we have felt flawed, unworthy, inadequate, or somehow defective, and that we keep saying over and over again "what is wrong with me."  If you’re like me, after initial diagnosis, you may have had feelings of shame and/or remorse about your worth as a woman. Experts say shame often leads us to low self-esteem and it plays a major role in stifling “our best self.”  Shame is both a feeling or emotion, and an experience that happens to the total self. We all experience some shame.  But the years and years of carrying around shame from your diagnosis or anything else is harmful and can affect your emotional well-being. If we do not work through these feelings and work to let go of them, shame can accumulate and weigh us down, until we feel even more of a

Mark Your Calendars for Indiana, August 4-6, 2006!

    by Cindy Stone     Well, spring is nearly here, and it's a good time to ask you to "save the date" on your calendars for the 2006 AISSG-USA Annual meeting in Bloomington, Indiana. This year's meeting will be held on the scenic wooded campus of Indiana University (IU).  Visit for a quick mini tour.  IU Bloomington is nearly 200 years old, and is the flagship campus of the IU statewide system of campuses.  We have nearly 40,000 students and they'll be mostly gone in the summer months, leaving us a beautiful campus to tour and visit. We have reserved really nice hotel rooms & quality meeting space for the dates of August 4, 5, & 6, 2006.  Meetings and rooms will be in the beautiful Indiana Memorial Union Hotel, on our campus. Planning is already underway.  A volunteer planning committee has been formed and has had its first meeting.  It's comprised of Dr. Arlene Baratz (from the parent's group), Jane Goto (from th