
Showing posts from September, 2005

More California, feedback

      by Tryla Brown      I left my heart in San Francisco San Francisco is such a beautiful city.  Sightseeing was a blast!  The 2005 annual AISSG meeting was above and beyond all my expectations.  Jan did a superb job of organizing the event and making sure that everyone’s needs were meet (see photo below of host Jan with assistant Jane at the registration table with one of Jan’s many orchids).  The hotel was gorgeous and the food delicious and bountiful.  It was so good to see so many familiar and new faces.  There were a total of ten first-timers attending the meeting. One of the main reasons I attend these meeting is for the socializing.  Being around, hanging out, or just socializing with other AIS women is very therapeutic for me.  It is also very fulfilling for me to be there for others who are just finding out about their AIS.  Story sharing time is always a particularly emotional portion of the meeting for me.  I could hear an AIS story many times over and still be moved each

California, there we were

    by Cindy Stone       For many of us, the weeks leading up to the Tenth Annual AISSG-USA National Meeting in beautiful Palo Alto were filled with anticipation. I found myself humming the old chestnut: California here I come, right back where I started from. Where bowers of flowers bloom in the sun… etc. So open up them golden gates, California here I come. Well, we orchids did bloom in that sunshine from August 19-21, 2005 at the Sheraton Resort in northern California thanks to the incredible work of Jan Johnson. Jan had set the table very well for all of us to gather, share, learn, laugh and care for ourselves and each other.  The enormous amount of “woman-power” Jan personally gave to this organization is extraordinary.  We all owe her our gratitude for making the “10th annual meeting” such a huge success.  Thank you Jan! The meeting was attended by some 50 AIS adults, along with a few parents, teens and physicians. A welcome reception held poolside got us started, and the 60-70’s