We Have Decided On A New Name!

OUR NEW NAME WILL BECOME: InterConnect As you are probably aware, AIS-DSD has been interested in changing our name to make it reflective of being the more inclusive and not specific to AIS group that we have become over the years. We are also looking forward to removing DSD from our name to remove the focus of medicalizing being intersex. We have spent over 3 years discussing it among different boards. We canvassed our membership, took member suggestions and held some online polling to see what folks thought. THANK YOU to everyone that submitted suggestions, and voted in our polls! We will begin the name transitioning process in 2020 There will be a legal name change and because of that we may need to announce methods to adjust ongoing donations that some of our members have generously established. There is no change in 2019 and no action is required form anyone at this time Stay tuned, as we prepare to re-brand we will have more information about tagline and other informa...