Taking the Leap into Adoption
by Orchid Press
Many AIS women feel the pull towards motherhood, but when it comes time to begin the adoption process numerous questions come to mind. Where do I begin my search? What does the adoption process involve? Are there local adoption agencies that I can turn to?
The first step you may want to consider is to search your state’s government website under the “health and family services” or “department of social services” section. Go to Google, or another search engine, and type in “State of [type in the state in which you reside].” Note: adding quotation marks around your search phrase will help narrow your search. A listing for your state’s website should be the first item on the list. Click on the link. Next, you should see links to various state departments or a search engine to search the state website (type in “Adoption in [the state in which you reside]” in the search engine for links to adoption resources). Many states have a list of certified adoption agencies and forms to submit to the State to begin the adoption process. There should also be a phone number listed on the agency’s webpage that you could refer to in case you have specific questions about the requirements in your specific state of residence. When discussing adoption procedures with your state agency, find out what kind of children are available, the costs involved, the waiting time, and any other questions that may come to mind. If state adoption doesn't look too promising, then start looking for reputable adoption agencies. A first step is to ask people who have adopted what agency they used.
Most foreign adoption agencies have decent reputations because the United States State Department keeps a close watch on them. Frank Adoption Agency places lots of babies from Russia, the Ukraine and the countries surrounding that region of the world. They have excellent resources in those countries. Adopting families need to be sure to ask questions about drug/alcohol abuse with the birth mother in any country that they select. Adoptive parents need to be firm, stating that they don't want to adopt an infant who had ANY exposure to drugs or alcohol. For more information, visit Frank Adoption Agency at the following website: www.frankadopt.org.
There are several agencies in Texas that have good reputations, placing babies quickly and less expensively than going international. Two excellent agencies are: Angel's Adoption in San Antonio and Adoption Alliance in San Antonio. Websites follow:
For more information on these two agencies, contact Agnes, a fellow member of AISSG-USA via e-mail at weowensit@yahoo.com. Agnes has worked with these agencies in the past, and her extensive knowledge in adoption procedures is a wonderful resource to our group.
Finally, the following websites contain excellent information on adoption.
Adoptive Families.Com
This is a link to the magazine “Adoptive Families.” Articles available on this website for free include “The Truth About Domestic Adoption,” “10 Steps to Adoption,” “The Reluctant Spouse,” and “Independent Adoption.” The latter article covers some of the legal considerations in the adoption process. In addition, there are links to find an adoption attorney in your city, information on domestic and international adoption, adopting from foster care, and information on how to find an adoption event in your area, such as informational meetings on the adoption process in your state.
There are links for infant adoption, foster adoption, and international adoption. Informational articles include “where do I start,” “all about visas” (international adoption), and “Adopting a Newborn in the United States.”
It goes without saying that motherhood is one of the biggest steps (if not the biggest step) you can take in life. The rewards of adoption are endless, and in many ways completes the circle of life for an AIS woman. Taking the time to research the intricacies of the adoption process, including the financial and emotional toll it can take on your life is very important. We hope we have given you good tools to assist you. If you need further assistance or guidance, please feel free to contact us at aissgusa@hotmail.com.
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