Welcome AISSG-USA Directors & Officers
by Rebecca Baughman Kerns
Please join me in welcoming the 2008/2009 AISSG-USA Directors and Officers!
Marissa Jaye will be taking over as president, a big job to be certain, but I have no doubt that she will do it incredibly well. I am always so happy to see an email from our amazing Marissa. I know it is full of heart, love and conviction.
Tryla Brown will be serving as Secretary. I am always amazed at Tryla's drive and determination. She is a force, all 5 foot 2 of her! I am so happy to see her continue serving AISSG as she has done for so many years.
Aimee Owens will be joining the Board; a beautiful and happy thing is always said by Aimee. She is a wonder and a joy.
Cynthia Johnson will also be on the Board; a vivacious, vigorous and verbose welcome to one of my favorite ladies.
And Carolina Johnson rounds out our new members. Carolina warmed my heart the first time I saw her face. I am so excited to see her jumping in with both feet.
Fabulous and funny, Susie Denard returns as Treasurer. Amazing and artistic, Diana Esparza; the incredibly dynamic, Jeanne Nollman, and the multi-tasking/multi-talented, Arlene Baratz, return to complete the second year of their term as Directors.
Leaving the board are Nancy Evans, our amazing and wonderful North Carolina conference planner, board member and newsletter maven. She is always a source of strength and light to the group. Cherie Thorpe, I can almost guarantee, will be right back to work as soon as she is fully recovered. Nobody can keep that amazing woman down.
I’d like to take this opportunity to also give a shout out to the following wonderful gals who continue to serve our community: The hilarious and wise Cindy Stone is our Webmaster. Never shrinking from a new task or new contact, Joyce Henning is our Adult Email Circle Administrator and frequent Hotmail account maven. The dramatically diligent Kathryn Gallagher is always willing to lend a hand at the Hotmail account. The marvelous and musical Eden Atwood is our Parent/Adult Circle Liaison.
I will be retiring my spot as President. I have loved every minute of the work, and I am so excited to see Marissa take over. Love to all,
Rebecca Baughman Kerns
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