Kimberly's Message


 by Kimberly Saviano


Wishing all of you a very wonderful new year filled with all the joy and adventure you could want! I've started 2019 off with a fabulous beginning, heading down to Arkansas to meet with the board of directors and to check out the amazing site for this summer's conference. I can't tell you how excited and pumped I am after the wonderful weekend I got to spend with some amazing people, and the real start of planning for what I think will be the most amazing conference ever!

I know... every year seems like the most amazing conference ever (and if it is YOUR first conference, then it TOTALLY is!), but this one is going to be really special. Every year, we ask for feedback about sessions and the conference, and we always get comments that are some form of "the sessions are great, but I wish I had more time to connect with people!". You also may have realized that there are people at the conference that you never really see because they are attending sessions on a different "track" than you are currently interested in and you are literally never in the same room at the same time.

So this year, we're putting together Camp Orchid. The emphasis will be on member-led discussions and opportunities to connect, but we'll also have a few of the "essential" workshops for our new members to get great information. But things will be far less structured, with more time and opportunity to meet, talk, get to know, and share your wisdom with other members of this amazing group. I hope we see veteran members who haven't been to a conference in a while as well as brand new members of the group, and every one in between!

There is so much more coming with projects we're undertaking this year, more conference information and registration soon, and a lot more.

Kimberly Saviano
President, AIS-DSD Support Group











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