Camp Registration EXTENDED!





Camp Orchid in Little Rock Arkansas, is 3 weeks away! Many of you have been to other conferences and wonder why this will be any different? Why do I need to go? What will be happening to the usual sessions?

We have listened to feedback and many of our members were asking for more time to bond and connect. We have also decided to make this year all about our members and have moved away from having a CME or having clinicians at our event. We do have a special guest, Dr. Sue Stred, she will be there to help guide our new and old members through Intersex 101, 201, she will also be with us as a trusted ally for other topics and be available for private conversations if you would to ask her some questions or get some advice.

For 23 years now we have been running these annual conferences with numerous speakers and agendas full of workshops and panels, but we are needing to expand what our members are needing. We know that the most powerful times that come out of our annual gatherings is the time we were able to share our stories with each other. We will be keeping with share sessions, these are highly recommended as they are insightful and empowering.

We hear time and time again what it was like finally meeting another person that understood what they were going through. The thing that was missing was the time to be together. We want to give you all that this year with an incredible venue that will allow you to relax and spend valuable time with each other. We will still have the core sessions that are needed and we also hope that members will signup to hold their own sessions to discuss topics that are close to them. We will also be having fun activities available such as organized tennis games, basketball, fishing, canoeing, volleyball, bonfire (if there is not a fire ban), sing along, game night, talent show (for all ages and separate adult content only), movie night, meditation sessions,yoga and a Presidents reception.

We have also set up a day for our teens to help build their confidence and show them that anything is possible. They will connect with each other and learn through activities how to push themselves to be stronger and trust in themselves and each other. An event not to miss.

Keep an eye out on our Facebook conference page for details of what to expect for this years breakouts and fun activities. If you are not a member of the Facebook page email us and we will get you added.

We have not abandoned the idea of our hotel conferences, we just wanted to take a break and give you all an opportunity to be together and have some fun. If you have been wondering if you should join us this year because we are not doing things the usual way, all we can say is this year will be a great event and we would love to see you all there!


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