A Message From The President

by Mary Mihevic



Hi everyone! I am grateful for this opportunity to serve my community and to help lead this group into the future. We started off nearly a quarter century ago and we've grown to become so much more! We've blossomed into a vibrant peer based community and my goal is to find ways to enhance this. I'd like to have member voice and transparency become more of a driving force than ever, so please consider getting involved in a committee because we're strongest as a community when we work together to make our group better! As 2020 moves forward we plan to transition to the name InterConnect. Please stay tuned as we'd like input and creative ideas about our opportunity to re-brand. We'd like to get the website revamped and also consider a new logo. We want member ideas and contribution to be a part of this process. I do ask for your patience with the legal process of the name change, as we move forward, it may be necessary to complete after we handle registration and processing payments for the upcoming gathering, to avoid any major glitches.

We have been keeping very busy during this period of transition of the board and also with conference planning. I'm excited to announce more details that you'll see below about our upcoming 25th Anniversary Gathering! We hope to see you there!

Mary Mihevic, Board President


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