A Message From the President:

by Mary Mihevic

Yesterday I was invited to participate in the first ever Intersex Awareness Day zoom round-table discussion with staff from the White House & Health and Human Services!

I represented InterConnect Support Group along side interACT, Intersex Justice Project, The Houston Intersex Society, and other phenomenal intersex leaders/activists.  It was an honor to be at the table and to watch our community speak truth to power. 

We collectively shared our concerns for the human rights issues, body autonomy, and health care crises that we face against the lack of culturally competent intersex care and legal protections under discrimination laws.  We also collectively noted issues that real data on intersex people and qualitative research has been suppressed by the medical establishment who are threatened to become obsolete in "treating" through pushing a surgical agenda; and also that intersex people and families from abroad approach us looking for help as they fear for their lives or the lives of their children, opening up the need for intersex asylum.

I'm still in awe of being at the table, and of the strength and power of our collective voices.
I'm really proud today!

See the full statement below below!

InterConnect Board of Directors Statement


-Mary Mihevic, InterConnect Board President



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