Conference Speaker spotlight: Kimberly Zieselman


Kimberly Zieselman, JD  (She/Her) is an American intersex woman, lawyer and human rights advocate with more than 25 years of experience in nonprofit leadership and advocacy including Director of Government Relations for Boston Children’s Hospital. She served over eight years as Executive Director of interACT: Advocates for Intersex Youth, the premier American intersex policy organization, and four years on the board of directors for InterConnect. A leader in the field of intersex human rights, Kimberly participated as the sole American intersex participant in the UN Expert Intersex Convening by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and is an official signatory to the historic Yogyakarta Principles +10. She is a coauthor on a number of intersex resources including Supporting Intersex People in the Workplace by Out & Equal, and The Fenway Institute’s Guide to Affirming Primary Care for Intersex People, as well as A National Study on the Physical and Mental Health of Intersex Adults in the U.S.

Kimberly has a keen interest in raising intersex awareness through media. She guided internationally renowned fashion model Hanne Gaby Odiele on her historic coming out as intersex, and consulted on the development and storyline of the first-ever recurring intersex character on Television for Faking it on MTV. Kimberly regularly consults on intersex representation and inclusion and has several new projects in development. She has been published and quoted in numerous outlets including, New York Times, USA Today Washington Post, BBC, Washington Blade, CNN, The Advocate and Vogue. In 2020, Kimberly published XOXY: A Memoir (Intersex Woman, Mother, Activist), which received the 2021 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION STONEWALL HONOR BOOK Award.

Join us Friday afternoon where Kimberly will be one of this year's conference keynote speakers, discussing her book with InterConnect President, Rebecca Baughman Kerns.


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